International flags hoisting mark formal commencement of Multinational Naval Exercise AMAN 17



KARACHI Feb 10 (APP): Multinational Exercise AMAN 17 formally
commenced today at Pakistan Navy Dockyard, under the aegis off
Pakistan Navy with a colorfull flag hoisting ceremony with Navy band
playing national songs. Ships of the participating navies, observers,
foreign diplomats and a large number of Pakistan Navy officers and men
attended the event.
The admiral added that multinational exercise AMAN 17 is an
effort which will surely improve response, tactics and procedures
among various maritime forces operating in the region. The exercise is
expected to further refine the concept of ‘collective and
collaborative’ securitty among the participants. Pakistan in generla
and Pakistan Navy in particular takes immense pride in leading these
Commander Pakistan Fleet extended warm welcome to the
participating  Navies and hoped that AMAN 17 would help find common
answers against maritime threats and a chance to our guests to
interact with friendly Pakistani culture.
He also valued participating nations for supporting Pakistan’s
resolve for ensuring peace in the region.
AMAN is a multinational naval exercise conducted biennially by
Pakistan Navy since 2007. The exercise is based on Pakistan Navy lead
initiative to bring in various navies under one umbrella. The
currently exercise is 5th in the series. The exercise has a growing
number of participants. This year 36 nations are participating through
ships, aircrafts, Special Operating Forces, Observers and speakers.
One of the key features, other than sea exercise, is international
maritime conference spread over three days, being organized by
National Maritime Policy Research Centre.
