Symposium in NZ demands to grant right of self determination for kashmiris


WELLINGTON (New Zealand) Dec 27(APP): The symposium on Kashmir issue held here, passed a resolution demanded that The New Zealand government must use all its international influence to ensure right of self-determination for Kashmiris as per UN resolutions. These resolutions recommend that a plebiscite be held in Kashmir to determine whether Kashmiris want to join Pakistan or India or become independent.

The symposium was organized by Massey University School of Management, Kashmir Association of South Pacific and Dr Mohammad Shuaib (human rights activist) and was chaired by Mark Sainsbury, a journalist and TV presenter.

The resolution was put forward by Dr Mohammad Shuaib which further demanded that New Zealand government, along with other likeminded peace loving countries, mediate between India and Pakistan to resolve the issue of Kashmir according to the wishes of Kashmiris.

On the occasion, A PhD student from Indian Occupied Kashmir gave a historic account of Kashmir conflict and was followed by a speech by Prof. Mohan Dutta who spoke about the rise of fascism in India perpetrated by BJP government.

Ikhlaq Kashkari, a Kashmiri from Indian Occupied Kashmir and president of New Zealand Muslims Association, told the audience how people in Kashmir have been suffering for far too long and insisted it is time for humanity to stand with Kashmir and help them get their right to self-determination.

Sadaf Nakash, another Kashmiri resident gave an account of her life growing up as a child in Kashmir and the trauma she witnessed.

Dr Mustafa Farouk, President of Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand (FIANZ) stressed the importance of social justice and support for oppressed people anywhere in the world. He stated that he was supporting Kashmiris because of the oppression they have been facing at the hands of Indian armed forces.

Dr Yasir Altaf, president of Victoria Muslim Students Association, who himself is from Kashmir, gave an account of his own experience as a child living in Kashmir and being bombed by Indian border forces. He stressed the importance of inclusion of Kashmiris in all decisions.

Dr Mohammad Shuaib thanked the audience for their support for Kashmiris and raising their voice to bring World’s attention to this very important global crisis.

VNS, Islamabad

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