Jinnah: who created a “nation state” with the power of pen, speech and vote




ISLAMABAD, Dec 21 (APP): Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Jinnah had great vision about youth he called them “Leaders of tomorrow” while addressing the Punjabi Muslim Students Federation at Lahore on October 31, 1947, Jinnah said “Pakistan is proud of her youth, particularly the students who have always been in the forefront in the hour of trial and need. You are the nation’s leaders of tomorrow and you must fully equip yourself by discipline, education and training for the arduous task lying ahead of you. You should realize the magnitude of your responsibility and be ready to bear it.

Jinnah placed great importance on the youth and gave his advice to students on several occasions on March 21, 1948, he said “My young friends, students who are present here, let me tell you as one who has always had love and affection for you, who has served you for ten years faithfully and loyally, let me give you this word of warning you will be making the greatest mistake if you allow yourself to be exploited by one political party or another…. Your main occupation should be in fairness to yourself, in fairness to your parents, in fairness to the state – to devote your attention to your studies.”

Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the outstanding leader and a visionary statesman created this nation state of Pakistan by legal and constitutional means, with the power of the pen, speech and vote. To understand Pakistan, the reasons which led to its creation, what Pakistan stood for and was intended to accomplish, one has to understand Jinnah.

“What we have to do is to mobilize our people and build up the character of our future generation. In short, this means the highest sense of honor, integrity, selfless service to the nation and sense of responsibility, and we have to see that our people are fully qualified and equipped to play their part in the various branches of economic life in a manner which will do honor to Pakistan.

“It is in your hands, we undoubtedly have talents, and Pakistan is blessed with enormous resources and potential. Providence has endowed us with all the wealth of nature and now it lies with man to make the best of it.”

In his speech at the Dhaka University in 1948, Jinnah said “Freedom which we have achieved does not mean license. It does not mean that you can behave as you please and do what you like irrespective of the interest of other people or of the state. A great responsibility rests on you and now more than ever, it is necessary for us to work as a united, disciplined nation. What are required of us all are a constructive spirit and not a militant spirit. It is far more difficult to construct than to have a militant spirit. It is easier to go to jail or fight for freedom than to run a government. Thwarted in their desire to prevent the establishment of Pakistan, our enemies turned their attention to finding ways to weaken and destroy us but they have been disappointed. Not only has Pakistan survived the shock of the upheaval but it has emerged stronger and better equipped than ever.”


VNS Islamabad